White Paper: Public Television's Role in Next-Generation Public Alerting
Public TV stations use datacasting to send emergency alerts through TV signals that work even during outages. NextGen TV will expand this technology to reach almost all Americans.
SpectraRep profiles the opportunity and implementation details in a white paper available for free download.
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Next Generation Warning System Grant Program
To help you apply for the Next Generation Warning System Grant Program (NGWSGP), SpectraRep offers a resource webpage.
You’ll find links to download and fill out the required grant application forms, along with templates to generate pricing easily. You’ll also find helpful partner resources, and detailed instructions that will guide you through the process.
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TWENTY-FIVE ESSENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ATSC 3.0 CONVERSIONS: A guide for public TV stations transitioning to ATSC 3.0
SpectraRep, DigiCAP, and Heartland Video Systems have formed a strategic alliance to support public television stations in their adoption of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 standard. The alliance will leverage each company’s deep broadcast experience to provide public stations with guidance on the planning, budgeting, and integration of the ATSC 3.0 standard.
This guide is one outreach of this alliance and offers twenty-five considerations for planning the transition.
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To improve interagency sharing of emergency communications at the 2022 Marine Corp , SpectraRep’s® IncidentOne™ Datacast Solution was deployed among eight local and federal public safety agencies, including the DC Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DC HSEMA). SpectraRep utilized NextGen TV digital broadcast spectrum from the WIAV tower in Northwest DC. Read the case study to learn about the objectives, solutions and successful outcome.
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To strengthen emergency communications and inter-agency sharing, SpectraRep’s® IncidentOne™ datacasting solution was deployed and used by D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management and six other federal and local public safety agencies during the July 4, 2022, celebrations on the National Mall. The datacasting solution utilized NextGen TV digital broadcast spectrum from the WIAV tower in Northwest DC. Read the case study to learn about the objectives, solutions and the successful outcome.
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Broadcast Data for Public Safety
The average citizen can stream videos on their smartphones, but most first responders are unable to access critical video and data on their communications devices, which could increase situational awareness and aid in incident response.
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Video Datacasting—Broadcasting Real-Time Video and Critical Data over Existing Digital Television Spectrum
In an emergency, first responders need timely and relevant data to make informed decisions. Land Mobile Radio networks are intended for voice communication and do not have the capacity to transmit large amounts of data.
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Video Datacasting: Houston Pilot After Action Report
The July 20-24, 2015, datacasting pilot in Houston was intended both as a demonstration of the technical capabilities of datacasting (coverage, video quality, ease of use) and of its applicability to a number of day-to-day public safety challenges. It was especially important to test video because public safety personnel often use closed circuit television (CCTV) video to prepare and respond to emergency situations.
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Chicago Pilot After Action Report
Datacasting (i.e., data broadcasting) takes advantage of the under-utilized bit rate to transmit various digital data types, including voice, streaming video, images, messaging, files and documents.
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Innovation Award From Security Technology Executive Magazine
The need to deliver data, especially video, to multiple users in the field is increasing and public safety networks are struggling to keep up. Dashboard and body cameras, helicopter video, satellite imagery, location data, and many other sources reflect the increasing requirement to manage data as well as voice.
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National Distribution Whitepaper
There is an existing resilient and underutilized nationwide communications infrastructure capable of providing secure high-definition (HD) and other video, imagery, audio and data files – any content that can be carried by Internet Protocol (IP) data packets – to selected (targeted) low-cost commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) receivers for law enforcement, public safety, emergency management and disaster response operations.
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