IncidentOne delivers any just-in-time incident response data using existing digital television signals. We take advantage of the billions of dollars already spent by TV station’s to convert to digital and use those high-power transmitters to get your content anywhere you need it to be. Unlike wireless Internet solutions, TV signals are controlled by the broadcaster, so they will not become clogged during an emergency. TV station’s also typically have backup transmitters, power generators and other redundant infrastructure to make sure they stay on-the-air. SpectraRep’s technology assures that your information cannot be seen by anyone but the users you designate. It is encrypted and targetable to specific users.
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SpectraRep is actively working to overcome broadband access problems with its EduCast service. With EduCast, students can get access to instructional content through reliable broadcast transmissions without the need for an internet connection. EduCast uses datacasting – a proven, secure solution best known for delivering emergency communication – is now delivering the necessary technology to bring education to students everywhere.
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